Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day Fun

How about some yummy burgers? What?! Do those leaves look a bit too bright green?! Well that would be because they are not hamburgers, but mini dessert burgers! I saw these on another blog and found the recipe HERE and decided that they would be a fun thing for my son and I to make for Father's Day. I despise coconut though (which is what the recipe called for to make lettuce), so we just used green frosting with a leaf tip. Eli just thought it was so funny that we were going to eat "burgers" for dessert! My husband was actually nervous to eat them because the burger, ketchup, and mustard look so real. The bigger picture gives you a better picture of the actual size of them...think vanilla wafer size...that is what makes up the "buns".

Well I hope all of you had a nice Father's Day...or at least were able to make those Dads feel special. My husband got treated very well today...I even mowed the lawn for him! He has been traveling all week and the lawn was getting crazy out of control, so he said he was going to mow it today...well I can't let him mow it on Father's I got out there and did it. I probably looked pretty funny because I am not used to driving the riding lawnmower...I was a bit jerky! The highlight of my husband's day was having the kids see his hockey game and he scored 2 goals (something he says that he hasn't done in awhile).

Now I will leave you with a cute pic I took of me and that kid! I will have a card post in a bit. Thanks for stopping by my engineering world!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Birthday Celebrations - Cakes & Cupcakes Oh My!

Well it has been awhile since I posted anything, huh? I had a stamp camp a couple weekends ago and I helped my sister make Baptism invitations and then my son's 4th birthday is today! Happy Birthday to my big boy! Anyway, between all of that and my daughter starting to crawl, I haven't had a chance to post anything. I actually haven't had a chance to stamp anything for a week or so either...which is kind of killing me! I did make a quick card though today for my son and I thought I would show off the cakes and cupcakes that have been keeping me busy!! So Eli is really into volcanoes right now. I mean he actually knows the names and locations of a lot of them and will talk about them all of the time! When he started asking about them a few weeks ago, my husband pulled out a book he had in college for an elective course he took on volcanoes. It has a lot of pictures in it, so Eli just loves to look through it and talk about them! He also loves Go Diego, Go right now as this year his birthday was all about volcanoes and Diego.

When I saw the Sketch Challenge #219 on SCS, I knew what I had to make...a Volcano! So that is what I did complete with some lava flowing down the side and lava spurting out the top. It is an extremely simple card, but I thought it was completely perfect for him right now! The saying was taken from the SU! Pun Fun set.

Now onto the things that I have been really busy on (and are glad they are over...phew!)...the volcano cake and Diego cupcakes! Once Eli started showing interest in volcanoes, I decided I wanted to try and make a volcano cake for his birthday. At first, I was not planning on it erupting, but as I researched it I found it didn't look too hard...and it sounded way too cool! So before I get too far, I loosely followed the instructions HERE for making my volcano cake and most importantly making it erupt. The "lava" is actually marshmallow fluff and water so it is quite tasty! The smoke is created when the "lava" makes contact with dry ice. If I ever figure out how to get the video off of the video camera, I will post it...right now I don't have the right cable nor does my computer have the right input for that cable! Anyway, it was pretty funny watching my son during this whole thing. He was excited, but pretty nervous at the same time. At one point, I did get the "lava" to flow down the cake...Eli jumped up in his chair trying to get away from the "lava" flow. So funny!

Then I made cupcakes for Eli to take into school for his birthday. I found the instructions for making Diego and Baby Jaguar cupcakes HERE and HERE on the Nick Jr. website...I take no originality claims here! They took a little longer than I expected, but I love how they turned out. Diego's hair is made with the chocolate melt candy and the nose and ears on Baby Jaguar are DOTS. Eli was pretty excited about these, so that makes me happy!

Now my house is overrun with cake and cupcakes! Gotta send some of them into work with my husband, so we don't (or more so ME) eat all of them! BTW, if you are interested in seeing my previous cake/cupcake creations and more views of these, you can follow the link under My Galleries or click HERE. My sugar high is starting to wear off, so I best get to bed soon!

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