Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Super Mario Cupcakes

I'm back! Last week was a rough week like I anticipated...well actually a little rougher than I thought. I knew I was going to have late nights with the decorating that I was planning, but I didn't realize that my daughter would be sick (and hence not sleeping well) at the same time. So it was fun dealing with a cranky, tired, feverish little girl when I was pretty tired and cranky myself (no fever for me!). But it is done and the cupcakes and cake turned out great! First I will show you the cupcakes I made for my son's classroom...the cake will be in a separate post.

My son loves to watch his Daddy play Super Mario Galaxy. For some reason he refuses to try and play the game himself (anyone else have a child like this...I swear he can be very odd sometimes!), but he LOVES to watch Daddy play, talk about the different Mario worlds, and even draw new Mario worlds. So I thought it would be fitting to make him some Mario themed cupcakes to take into school.

Obviously the Mario and Yoshi ones were the hardest, but since so many colors were used, it was a long night of decorating! I need a couple more of the same decorating tip or something to avoid having to constantly wash the tip everytime I want to change colors. I was smart enough to buy a couple extra decorating bags though which brought me to 4....probably could use some more since I still had to wash bags too while decorating! You can see individual images of the designs below. Thanks for checking out my kind of engineering!


mforquer said...

These are fantastic!!! My little girl won't play either but watches!!! Love this - did you use a pattern?

Country Mouse said...

Wow! These are awesome! My sons are 21 and 19 and STILL love Mario! You did an great job on these!

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